The Truth Is *In Here* ~ NASA announces -alien- bacteria, unlike Earth life, discovered in Cali

Kewlin’. We (Earth life) are either WAY COOLER than we thought, and able to ‘evolve’ in REALLY radical ways to create LIFE ~ OR~ Alien bacteria, off Earth in source, has been found living happily on Earth, adapting to our environment. Like I said, Kewlin’!!

HotAir has it:

…One: The bacteria is a true alien life form that’s capable of swapping out “essential” elements for whatever’s abundant in its environment. In that case, where’d it come from and how’d it get there? Two: The bacteria’s an Earth-based life form that somehow figured out one of the niftiest tricks in evolutionary history, altering the core structure of its own DNA to compensate for the loss of a key component. As an astrobiologist told the Times, “It’s like if you or I morphed into fully functioning cyborgs after being thrown into a room of electronic scrap with nothing to eat.” If it’s evolution at work, is it a new branch on the tree or … a whole new tree? And how many more branches are there on that tree? Read WaPo’s very user-friendly article on all this, suggesting the possibility of an entire “shadow biosphere” on Earth that doesn’t follow the usual biological rules….

December 2, 2010. Tags: , , , , . Armed Forces, Education, Faith, Mystery, Popular Culture, Sci Fi, Science. Comments off.

Update: Obama NASA cuts; Twofer Tuesday: Space Oddity / Major Tom

Update 2: WSJ reports Team Obama rolling back some of their cuts. Sounds half axxed to me, using one program to have a space pod to deploy from the ISS if needed. Uh we still can’t get to orbit alone right? Well don’t we think we will need to get up there? What if we need to deploy a defensive measure :

The president’s funding plan for the National Aeronautical and Space Administration has faced stiff opposition from Congress, in part because it seeks to cut off funding for existing rocket programs that lawmakers support.

The concessions offered Tuesday are an attempt to win backing for the White House plan ahead of a trip by the president Thursday to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. There, Mr. Obama is expected to lay out details of the decision to use the Orion space capsule, developed by Lockheed Martin Corp., as an on-board emergency escape system for U.S. crews during their stays aboard the international space station. In an earlier proposal, the administration had planned to end funding for Orion….

Update: Lookee here Neil Armstrong and Apollo 13 astronauts agree with our assessment. h/t AceHQ


Canceling Constellation could lead to thousands of layoffs at some of America’s biggest aerospace contractors, including Lockheed Martin, the Boeing Co. and ATK. Such job losses are among the factors behind congressional opposition to the cancellation. Armstrong and his fellow astronauts emphasize the bigger implications, however, and say in their letter that the decision would put the nation on a “long downhill slide to mediocrity.”The letter notes that the U.S. space effort will be dependent for years to come on the Russians for transport to the International Space Station, at a cost of more than $50 million per seat.

“For the United States, the leading spacefaring nation for nearly half a century, to be without carriage to low Earth orbit and with no human exploration capability to go beyond Earth orbit for an indeterminate time into the future, destines our nation to become one of second- or even third-rate stature,” they said in the letter…

I diverge from the majority left and right on this one I guess. I think we should keep our manned space flight program. I don’t like needing to hitch a ride with anyone to get to the space station and who knows where else years from now.

All the tiny little things (microprocessors et al) that made thousands of yrs of tech evolution in like a blink came from NASA afaik…here’s a shout out to the space program..

Eddie Izzard does a great routine on how Americans are raised believing they can do anything, how we went to the moon, and how Brits are discouraged from aiming as high as working in a hat shop…they build a ladder instead of flying to the moon….wouldn’t want Americans to give up their dreams and belief we can do anything…


April 13, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , . Music, Obama Administration, Politics, Science, Space Program. Comments off.

They can’t stop the signal: Shuttle crew wakes with Firefly theme song…

How totally totally kewl. Have I mentioned that I miss Firefly this week? I miss Firefly. h/t SciFiWire

According to the NASA Twitter feed:

@NASA Shuttle crew awoke @4:14pET to theme song from “Firefly.” The Ballad of Serenity, performed by Sonny Rhodes, was played for Bob Behnken.

Did someone say Nathan Fillion?

February 12, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Celebrities, Entertainment, Fantasy, Film, Popular Culture. Comments off.

Happy Anniversary: The Eagle has Landed….


July 20, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , . Film, Politics, Science. Comments off.