Lindsey Buckingham from the front row…

Yep that’s me doing aeiiieeee and whoooooo hoooooo, LOL!! This is AWESOME that the peep next to me videoed this, okay gonna put up a few clips, you can see for yourself that Lindsey is ON and gave it his ALL, INTENSE!

Look at Lindsey here practically in our laps!!


May 31, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , . Entertainment, Music. 1 comment.

MASTERPIECE Mystery! | Behind the Scenes with Alan Cumming…

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From PBS:

Alan Cumming, host of PBS’ MASTERPIECE Mystery!, once again takes us behind-the-scenes on the MASTERPIECE Mystery! set — with the added extra of an impromptu fashion show.

In May, the series kicks off with 3 episodes of the new series Wallander, starring Kenneth Branagh, followed by Six by Agatha and the triumphant return of the world-famous sleuths Hercule Poirot (June 21 and 28) and Miss Marple ((Sundays, July 5 – July 26), and new episodes of Inspector Lewis” (Sundays, August 30 September 20). For more information, visit

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May 31, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , . Detective Stories, Entertainment, Fiction, Film, Mystery, Popular Culture, Suspense, Uncategorized. Comments off.

TSCC – They Wanna Start a Fight PROMO – Cameron and Sarah

From SchmackProductions!

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May 31, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , . Entertainment, Fantasy, Music, Popular Culture, Sci Fi, Uncategorized, Warner Bros.. 1 comment.

PREVIEW + REVIEW: Drag Me To Hell | Your Geek News

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MiM saw it yesterday and gives it two thumbs up :0) From the ever awesome YourGeekNews/BSGcast:

We managed to check out Drag Me To Hell back at SXSW in March, and we LOVED it. Watching Sam Raimi return to the genre that he started in was magnificent, with all the jumps and laughs and wit that you’d expect from a classic Raimi horror film. Since we’ve already seen this one, for a change this episode will bring you a review along with exclusive scenes from the movie and interviews behind-the-scenes of Drag Me To Hell!~Matt + Nat

And more from Sam from itn:

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May 31, 2009. Tags: , , , . Comedy, Entertainment, Fantasy, Film, Foreclosures, Horror, Housing, Popular Culture, Suspense, Uncategorized. Comments off.

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Comedy gold: “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” the literalist remix

H/T AP at HA


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Created by dascottjr

Ever wish songs just sang what was happening in the music video? Well now they do, in my sixth take on Dusto McNeato’s “literal video” concept! Lyrics: DASjr / Singing: PersephoneMaewyn & DASjr 5/25/09

Featured on Entertainment Weekly site!!!!!:…

Featured on the Wall Street Journal site!!!:…

This is my first literal video to have a female vocal the whole way through. Also, all the best to everyone on Memorial Day. Respect your heroes.

more about “Hot Air » Blog Archive » Comedy gold:…“, posted with vodpod

May 31, 2009. Tags: , , . Comedy, Entertainment, Music, Popular Culture. Comments off.

Agatha Christie – Poirot – The Third Girl – David Suchet – Season 11

Oh how totally awesome! A new season with David Suchet as Poirot has been airing overseas!!

Courtesy of ravenhaven12

Go to ravenhaven12’s youtube channel here for parts 4 through 10

This is the third episode of Season 11, MiM will put one up every Sunday :0)

May 31, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , . Detective Stories, Entertainment, Fiction, Film, Mystery, Popular Culture, Suspense, Uncategorized. Comments off.

Heavy Metal Headbangers Bang Heads: Ozzy ‘the Wizard’ Osbourne gives Tony ‘Embryo’ Iommi a little less Heaven and a little more Hell: Sues over use of Black Sabbath Trademark…


This is really a Symptom of the Universe.. I mean you are Killing Yourself to Live in this Wicked World when you turn your band brand into an Electric Funeral for the lawyers to get rich..Is Ozzman Paranoid from too many years Snowblind? Is Tony a Zero or Hero? Don’t let the War Pigs get you down and Turn Up the Night cause it’s  A Hard Road and everyone knows that Fairies Wear Boots….hey wonder if Ronnie James Dio gets a piece of the action? After all Mob Rules and he wouldn’t want to be Last in Line….

Here is Sabbath in Phoenix on New Years Eve 1998 doing ‘Killing Yourself to Live’, MiM was there !! (Oz is soo right, they would NOT have packed the ballpark without Ozzy and Geezer)

Via Josh Modell at A.V. Club:

Below, a statement from Ozzy Osbourne regarding his lawsuit against Black Sabbath bandmate Tony Iommi. The real question: Whose side will Satan take in this dispute?

“It is with great regret that I had to resort to legal action against my long term partner, Tony Iommi, but after three years of trying to resolve this issue amicably, I feel I have no other recourse.  As of the mid-1990’s, after constant and numerous changes in band members, the brand of “Black Sabbath” was literally in the toilet and Tony Iommi (touring under the name Black Sabbath) was reduced to performing in clubs.

Since 1997 when Geezer, Bill and myself rejoined the band, Black Sabbath has returned to its former glory as we headlined sold-out arenas and amphitheatres playing to upwards of 50,000 people at each show around the world.  We worked collectively to restore credibility and bring dignity back to the name “Black Sabbath” which lead to the band being inducted into the UK and US Rock & Roll Hall of Fames in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

Throughout the last 12 years, it was my management representatives who oversaw the marketing and quality control of the “Black Sabbath” brand through OZZFEST, touring, merchandising and album reissues. The name “Black Sabbath” now has a worldwide prestige and merchandising value that it would not have had by continuing on the road it was on prior to the 1997 reunion tour.

Tony, I am so sorry it’s had to get to this point by me having to take this action against you.  I don’t have the right to speak for Geezer and Bill, but I feel that morally and ethically the trademark should be owned by the four of us equally.  I hope that by me taking this first step that it will ultimately end up that way.

We’ve all worked too hard and long in our careers to allow you to sell merchandise that features all our faces, old Black Sabbath album covers and band logos, and then you tell us that you own the copyright.  We’re all in our 60’s now. The Black Sabbath legacy should live on long after we have all gone.  Please do the right thing.”

Tony, Ozzman and Geezer interviewed on the 97 Reunion, I understand the Dude with the Spanish accent far better than I understand Ozzy..

* Video courtesy of WesleyDeathCrow


May 30, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Entertainment, Heavy Metal, Music, Popular Culture, Uncategorized. Comments off.

Update: MiM gives it two comedy horror thumbs up!!! Drag Me To Hell Movie Review: Beyond The Trailer

UPDATE: MiM saw the film yesterday. It was a Raimi homage to Evil Dead fans, but not the ultimate Evil Dead flick we hope to get with nmbr 4 (hopefully as soon as he is done with Spidey 4!) But we need to give him time to give us LOtS season 2 also, busy busy is Sam!) It was a good basic horror plotline with good effects and the Raimi horror humour that is uniquely his…Go see it so the studios give us more ORIGINAL horror films and less YARMs…and it gets you jumping without the over the top gorefest of films like Saw 14 and Zombie’s Halloween YARM which IMO suck, when Raimi lets lots of blood fly it is funny gross not disgusting gross, only Raimi gives that vibe…two thumbs up

There are a few moments when the gypsy is being evicted and I yelled call ACORN, could not help it, LOL


May 30, 2009. Tags: , , , . Entertainment, Fantasy, Film, Horror, Popular Culture, Suspense, Uncategorized. Comments off.

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