More good news for TSCC fans: Lena Headey cast in George RR Martin’s HBO Game of Thrones…

Love Lena. Love Sean Bean, Captain Sharpe baby…love George RR Martin..gonna have to keep the HBO after True Blood goes on hiatus I guess, they got me…All Hail Robb trailers follow

First here is George RR Martin on The Ice Dragon

Courtesy of TorForge

By mjsgrass78


Lena Headey, star of the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series, has nabbed the last major part in HBO’s Game of Thrones pilot, according to Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune. Headey will portray Cersei Lannister, a woman of royal blood who is every bit as smart, cunning and devious as the powerful men around her… (Go Read the Whole Thing)

By Xaremathraas

September 1, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , . Art, Celebrities, Entertainment, Fantasy, Fiction, graphic art, Popular Culture, Sci Fi, Supernatural, Suspense.

One Comment

  1. ‘Game of Thrones’ 10 Minute Preview « Moderate in the Middle replied:

    […] ‘Game of Thrones’ 10 Minute Preview Our previous post on casting of the HBO series here. […]
